Some say love, it is a river that drowns the tender reed. Some say love, it is a razor that leaves your soul to bleed. Some say love, it is a hunger, an endless aching need. I say love, it is a flower, and you it's only seed.
It's the heart, afraid of breaking, that never learns to dance. It's the dream, afraid of waking, that never takes a chance. It's the one who won't be taken, who cannot seem to give. And the soul, afraid of dyin', that never learns to live.
When the night has been too lonely, and the road has been too long, And you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong, Just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snows, Lies the seed, that with the sun's love, in the spring becomes The Rose.
The Rose
回覆刪除Some say love,
it is a river
that drowns the tender reed.
Some say love,
it is a razor
that leaves your soul to bleed.
Some say love,
it is a hunger,
an endless aching need.
I say love,
it is a flower,
and you it's only seed.
It's the heart,
afraid of breaking,
that never learns to dance.
It's the dream,
afraid of waking,
that never takes a chance.
It's the one
who won't be taken,
who cannot seem to give.
And the soul,
afraid of dyin',
that never learns to live.
When the night has been too lonely,
and the road has been too long,
And you think that love is only
for the lucky and the strong,
Just remember
in the winter
far beneath the bitter snows,
Lies the seed,
that with the sun's love,
in the spring becomes The Rose.
夜來香,白色的花朵代表著美麗純潔的心,但竟只在黑夜中發出特別濃郁的香味,這種香味充滿誘惑,引誘長翅膀的 "客人們" 前來拜訪,且情不自禁,採啜其花蜜,故夜來香又有「夜裡情人」的雅號 : 夜裡私會情人,一種危險的快樂、玩火的戀情。
刪除猜不到此文此歌會使你聯想起夜來香 。。。哈哈
我沒有親眼看過夜來香,你有否拍攝過此花 ?
噢...原來夜來香別名是“夜香花”......那麼我見過啦....冬瓜盅內有“夜香花”....yummy yummy....
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